Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic drainage and Venous drainage – Linfogei
Lymphatic drainage is for a treatment for unsightly varicose veins, spider veins, cellulite, swellings, water retention, oedemas, localized cosmetic problems due to poor circulation, heavy and painful legs as well as before and after surgeries.
Before and after cosmetic surgeries: Another large application field of Linfogei face and body are all beauty treatments that may be carried out before and after plastic aesthetic surgery.
Before surgery: To bring a better tissues trophic condition, thus speeding and aiding recovery after the surgery.
After surgery: All the possible oedemas will be re-absorbed quickly and correctly and the scars will heal better.
It is also suitable in mini-lifting, lifting, nose corrections, eyelids, breast, abdomen, glutei, liposuction, etc.

Lymphatic drainage is for a treatment for unsightly varicose veins, cellulite, oedemas, water retention, swellings and localized cosmetic problems due to poor circulation. It cleanses the entire system and eliminates toxins.
Linfogei is an exclusive detoxifying treatment that promotes effective lymphatic drainage in order to help with natural detoxification in the body. Better and faster results than Pressotherapy.
Specific electrodes are applied to certain body parts – that will repeatedly tapping in the lymph nodes to create a high-strength and deep massaging effect that helps improve circulation and move lymph out of muscle tissue towards the heart.
This can help filter toxins and metabolic waste into the circulatory system rather than getting clogged up. While this is a process that happens naturally, by speeding up the rate, you can boost the speed of detoxification and achieve a faster clearance of unwanted toxins.
Aesthetic body venous drainage
The blood circulation and its alterations can also cause blemishes in the beauty field, above all in legs. Using the same principles, Linfogei works on the venous circulatory system acting on the blemishes caused by veins and thread veins problems: decongestant and draining action.
Therefore, the use of Linfogei for aesthetic venous drainage which would help improving the circulation would provide beneficial effects to all venous stagnation problems like varicose veins or spider veins. Cellulite, fat, colour tissues changes, in addition to lymphatic stagnation problems, can also be caused by poor or insufficient flushing of the area, typically due to vessels compression. The aesthetic venous drainage, with its mobilising action, helps to empty the capillaries; it relieves their congestion, for improved oxygenation benefit, with a general tissues improvement.
Linfogei is the most perfected treatment that has been dominating the beauty world in all drainage treatments, Quick and safe operation with excellent results. While with manual drainage the work starts from outside and it is a good rule to keep a 30/33 mm of mercury pressure, to avoid obtaining the opposite effect, with Linfogei the pressure is achieved by internal muscle stimulation in a constant manner.
The pulses transmitted by the equipment to the nerve junctions, stimulate the muscular fibres, which react with delicate contractions translated into pressures along the lymph vessels, enhancing the drainage and the system purification processes.
For different reasons (structure, age, sedentary or hyperactive life, etc.) muscular tone changes not only from person to person, but also from area to area: the equipment is able to produce the right pressure to obtain the best contraction and thus personalizing the treatment. As a result Linfogei treatment with VIP Line device is giving better and faster results than manual lymphatic massages.

Linfogei is a non-invasive and scientifically proven method of refining your natural shape and improving your overall profile. A healthy diet and plenty of exercise is a good foundation for any aesthetic goals, but sometimes you need a helping hand to get your body functioning as it should.
With the help of a direct lymphatic massage to parts of your body, Linfogei is an ideal method of reducing cellulite, cutting down on stubborn areas of fat, and generally improving the flow of healthy nutrients to achieve greater natural vitality allowing your skin to shine through in all its blemish-free glory.

This revolutionary process gives your body’s natural functions a boost. If your goal is to break down excess fat, remove cellulite, reduce water retention and unclog your circulatory system, Linfogei could be the perfect treatment for you.
Even for those simply searching for health benefits, increased blood circulation and lymph flow is a great way to maintain good health and form, removing toxins from your body.

While inflammation is a natural reaction that occurs when the body undergoes damage to muscles or joints, long-term swelling can actually lead to serious health concerns such as heart disease and diabetes. Due to Linfogei’s ability to improve blood flow, this treatment is highly effective in reducing swelling and its potentially harmful impact on your body.
Linfogei Benefits
- Increased energy levels
- Increased bowel movements
- Improved skin tone
- Smoother skin, reduced orange peel effect
Relieves water retention and oedemas
- Better scar healing after surgeries
- Helps blood circulation
- Oedema treatment
- Helps reduce cellulite & swelling
- Rids you of toxins
- Can be used as a prevention of the problems caused by bad circulation such as varicose veins and spider veins
Three main actions of lymphatic drainage are:

It activates lymph function and lymph circulation. Indirectly stimulates the blood
circulation of the body (enhance blood capillaries resorption, increase pulsation of capillaries, activate venous circulation).
The passage of lymph in the lymph nodes stimulates the immune system (the humoral as
much as well as the cellular immunity).
The stimulation of lymph circulation activates antigen/antibody presentation and
immune reactions.
Stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation effect, antispastic effects, muscle tonus, etc).
The constant stimulation of the C-fiber mechanoreceptors has inhibitory effects (analgesi -anti-pain-action).
Did you know that the human body has two circulatory systems?
These are the circulatory system and the lymphatic system. Understanding the differences between these two systems makes it easier to understand the special difficulties encountered by the lymphatic system when any part of that system is not functioning properly.
- Lymphatic drainage is best for edema (swelling)
- Encourages lymph to flow more freely
- Removes blockages along vessels and within nodes
- Removes harmful toxins
- Stimulates the immune system
- Scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, and fracture or surgical-incision sites are improved
- Helps to clear Lymphoedema and fluid retention
- Helps to clear cellulite
- Fats evacuate through lymphatic vessels
- Chronic pain reduced
- Circulation of lymph, blood capillaries, veins, interstitial liquids, and cerebrospinal and synovial fluids (indirectly) are activated